Baha’i Knowledge Hunt – some questions & answers about the Báb & the Bábi Dispensation
- As remarked by His mother,
what was so unusual about the Báb during His very early childhood?
- What was the five- year-old
Syyid Ali-Muhammad’s (the Báb) response when during His first day at
school His teacher asked Him to recite this verse from the Qur’an: “He is
the Deliverer, the All-Knowing.” -->Answer
- Can you give a couple of
examples of the extraordinary qualities that the Báb exhibited when He was
about 5 years old? -->Answer
- Did anyone from the West
meet the Báb? -->Answer
- How old was Nabil, the
author of Dawn-Breakers, when he recognized the Báb? -->Answer
- In what year did the Baha’i
world receive the first authorized source of the Báb's Writings in English?
- This disciple accompanied
the Báb on His pilgrimage to Mecca in 1845. -->Answer
- ·We know that during the Bábi
Dispensation the believers were allowed to defend themselves. What were the
circumstances under which Mulla Husayn and seventy of his companions were
attacked by a mob near a northern Persian city? -->Answer
Baha'i Knowledge Hunt