Salient objectives of the Local Spiritual Assembly
Among the more salient objectives to be attained by the
Local Spiritual Assembly in its process of development to full maturity are
- to act as
a loving shepherd to the Baha'i flock,
- promote
unity and concord among the friends,
- direct
the teaching work,
- protect
the Cause of God,
- arrange
- Feasts,
- anniversaries
- regular
meetings of the community,
- familiarize
the Baha'is with its plans,
- invite
the community to offer its recommendations,
- promote
the welfare of youth and children, and
- participate,
as circumstances permit, in humanitarian activities.
- In its
relationship to the individual believer, the Assembly should
- continuously
invite and encourage him to study the Faith,
- to
deliver its glorious message,
- to live
in accordance with its teachings,
- to
contribute freely and regularly to the Fund,
- to
participate in community activities, and
- to seek
refuge in the Assembly for advice and help, when needed.
- The Universal House of Justice (From a letter dated 30 July
1972 to the National Spiritual Assembly of the Baha'is of Bolivia; ‘Messages
from the Universal House of Justice 1963-1986’)