January 24, 2025

An example of ‘Abdu’l-Baha using science to explain the need for the presence of an intermediary (Manifestation of God) between humanity and God

The Divine Reality is far removed from man. It is absolutely remote and independent in its essence—beyond the comprehension of man—abstract, limitless and impersonal.

Man is limited, weak, fearful, poverty-stricken and helpless. The Divine Reality represents the Power Absolute, capacity for all things, fulfillment for all the needs of man.

The Divine Reality is to man what the sun is to the earth. The sun is life, radiance, heat, energy, power. The earth is dead, inert, helpless, incapable of initiative or change. It is poor, cold, and without resources.

The sun in its remoteness could never reach the earth, and the earth, wretched indifferent clod, could never attain to the glory and splendor of the sun. In order that one may gain the other, that life and fragrance may come to the helpless earth floating alone in dim space, there must be an intermediary. In some way the life-giving power of the radiant sun must be brought to the sodden earth, and this becomes possible through the media of light and heat. Through their means the glory of the distant luminary is transmitted to the dark ball of earth, and instantly it becomes the home of fragrance and blooming life. The glory of the magnificent source of light touches our dim planet and banishes death and darkness.

As there must be an intermediary to transmit to earth the life-giving power of the sun, so there must be an intermediary to bring God to man, and this is found through the ever-present efficacy of the Holy Spirit. As the media of light and heat carry fragrance and bloom to the earth, so the intermediary of the Holy Spirit brings to man warmth, perfection and inspiration.

The wonder-working rays of the radiant sun fall upon the dull earth, carrying there richness and glory. The earth alone is but a senseless clod; touched by the sun it becomes life, energy, budding and blossoming wealth.

So the Holy Spirit touches the heart of man and wakens him to eternal life. Like the sun to earth it brings to man warmth, energy and perfection. It gives him all possibilities. The cause of life widens before his eyes, eternity opens to him, and becomes his, he no longer knows fear, for the wealth of God is his, and every moment is his inviolable possession. Limitations disappear, and as he becomes more and more sensitive to the teaching of the Holy Spirit, all things are his own.

Without the sun the earth is only the habitation of death, and would remain forever in its frozen clasp, were it not for the intermediary of light and heat stirring its inert mass and transforming into budding energy and accomplishment all its repellant hardness.

So without the intermediary of the Holy Spirit man would remain dull, helpless and deprived of all attainment. But touched by that Divine Elixir he becomes tender, loving, responsive, and capable of every perfection of life. 

- 'Abdu'l-Baha  (From a talk by ‘Abdu’l-Baha in Paris, 1911; recorded by Mary Handford Ford; Star of the West, vol. 2, no. 14, November 23, 1911)