The holding of this Conference in Dublin calls to mind the
historic and heroic services of Ireland in spreading the divine religion
throughout pagan Europe. Europe's
response was to develop, through many vicissitudes, the most widespread and
effective civilization known. That civilization, together with all other
systems in the world, is now being rolled up, and Europe's plight in proportion
to her former pre-eminence, is desperate indeed. By the same token her
opportunity is correspondingly great. The challenges to her resilience, to her
deep-seated spiritual vitality, nourished over the centuries by the Teachings
of Christ -- now, alas, neglected and even contemned -- can and must call forth
a more magnificent response than was ever made by the divided and contending
peoples of olden times. Yours is the task to arouse that response. The power of
Baha'u'llah is with you and this Day, as attested by the Bab, is
"immensely exalted ... above the days of the Apostles of old."
- The
Universal House of Justice (From a message dated 2 June 1982 addressed to the
friends gathered at the International Conference in Dublin; ‘Messages from the
Universal House of Justice 1963-1986’)