Therefore, if the criterion of reason or intellect
constituted a correct and infallible standard of judgment, those who tested and
applied it should have arrived at the same conclusions. As they differ and are
contradictory in conclusions, it is an evidence that the method and standard of
test must have been faulty and insufficient. (The Promulgation of Universal
Peace: Talks Delivered by ‘Abdu’l-Bahá during His Visit to the United States
and Canada in 1912, p. 254)
Understanding of the Writings requires belief in the
Manifestation of God, for, as the Master states:
. . . the knowledge of God is the cause of spiritual
progress and attraction, and through it the perception of truth, the exaltation
of humanity, divine civilization, rightness of morals and illumination are
obtained. (Some Answered Questions, p. 300)
Other important components in this process include an
attitude of prayerful humility, acceptance of the statements of the
Manifestation, confidence in the knowledge that understanding of their meaning
will emerge with meditation, study of the texts and the passage of time,
willingness to acknowledge that one's views may be erroneous, and, courage to
follow in the direction defined by the authentic sacred texts.
- The Universal
House of Justice (From a letter dated 26 November 1986 written on behalf of the
Universal House of Justice to a National Spiritual Assembly; ‘Messages from the
Universal House of justice 1986-2001’)