March 14, 2021

1986-1992: The “main objectives and expectations of the Six Year Plan”

The organic growth of the Cause of God, indicated by recent significant developments in its life, becomes markedly apparent in the light of the main objectives and expectations of the Six Year Plan:

  • a vast expansion of the numerical and financial resources of the Cause;
  • enlargement of its status in the world;
  • a world-wide increase in the production, distribution and use of Baha'i literature;
  • a firmer and world-wide demonstration of the Baha'i way of life requiring special consideration of the Baha'i education of children and youth, the strengthening of Baha'i family life and attention to universal participation and the spiritual enrichment of individual life;
  • further acceleration in the process of the maturation of local and national Baha'i communities and a dynamic consolidation of the unity of the two arms of the Administrative Order;
  • an extension of the involvement of the Baha'i world community in the needs of the world around it; and the pursuit of social and economic development in well-established Baha'i communities.

These are some of the features of the Six Year Plan which will open on 21 April 1986 and terminate on 20 April 1992. 

- The Universal House of Justice  (From a message dated2 January 1986 to the Baha'is of the world; ‘Messages from the Universal House of Justice 1963-1986’)