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October 31, 2015
October 28, 2015
We are called upon to “vigorously engage in constructive public discourse”
While eschewing
partisan political activity, Bahá’ís are to vigorously engage in constructive
public discourse and in a wide range of social endeavours aimed at the
betterment of the world and the progress of their respective nations. They
undertake such activities with humility, discernment and respect for prevailing
laws and social conditions, in a spirit of learning and in collaboration with
like-minded groups and individuals, fully confident in the power inherent in
the principle of unity in diversity and in the efficacy of mutual aid and
- The Universal House of Justice (From a letter dated 22 January 2010 written on behalf of the
Universal House of Justice to an individual believer)
October 26, 2015
Four questions and subsequent answers by ‘Abdu’l-Baha – translated by Munírih Khánum
Questions, sent by Professor Cairns, Edinburgh, 24 June
1. Is it
right to speak of the Báb and of Centre as Manifestations, or as Incarnations?
2. Do the
Bahá'ís teach the doctrine of reincarnation?
3. Did
Bahá'u'lláh claim to supersede the Revelation of Jesus, the Christ?
4. Did
Centre claim to be greater than Jesus, the Christ?
Answers of 'Abdu'l-Bahá (the servant of God), Haifa, 20 July
O daughter of the Kingdom!
Your letter has arrived. Its contents caused spiritual
happiness and heartfelt gladness.
I wish to answer in detail, but at present my health is not
very strong; I am fatigued, so am obliged to write in short. When I feel better, I will write at length,
for verily, you are occupied with the work of the Kingdom and are serving the
world of Humanity, and therefore are worthy of correspondence.
Now I will write shortly.
October 25, 2015
Mbale, Uganda: Baha'is celebrate International Women's Day, 2000
Baha'is in Mbale, Uganda, in a parade celebrating International Women's Day, 2000 (The Baha'i World 2000-2001)
October 23, 2015
In the Baha’i community “the participation of every believer is of the utmost importance, and is a source of power and vitality as yet unknown to us.”
"Regard the world as the human body," wrote
Bahá'u'lláh to Queen Victoria. We can surely regard the Bahá'í world, the army
of God, in the same way. In the human body, every cell, every organ, every
nerve has its part to play. When all do so the body is healthy, vigorous,
radiant, ready for every call made upon it. No cell, however humble, lives
apart from the body, whether in serving it or receiving from it. This is true
of the body of mankind in which God "hast endowed each and all with
talents and faculties," and is supremely true of the body of the Bahá'í
World Community, for this body is already an organism, united in its
aspirations, unified in its methods, seeking assistance and confirmation from
the same Source, and illumined with the conscious knowledge of its unity.
Therefore, in this organic, divinely guided, blessed and illumined body the
participation of every believer is of the utmost importance, and is a source of
power and vitality as yet unknown to us. For extensive and deep as has been the
sharing in the glorious work of the Cause, who would claim that every single
believer has succeeded in finding his or her fullest satisfaction in the life
of the Cause? The Bahá'í World Community, growing like a healthy new body,
develops new cells, new organs, new functions and powers as it presses on to
its maturity, when every soul, living for the Cause of God, will receive from
that Cause, health, assurance and the overflowing bounties of Bahá'u'lláh which
are diffused through His divinely ordained order.
- The Universal House of
Justice (From a message dated September 1964 to the Baha’is of the World;
‘Messages from the Universal House of Justice 1963 to 1986’)
October 20, 2015
The “training institute process” versus the “many deepening classes, workshops and summer school courses”
…the House of
Justice feels that it would be beneficial for you to separate in your mind the
training institute process, so intimately connected with the promotion of
large-scale expansion and consolidation, from the many deepening classes,
workshops and summer school courses that form a fundamental part of Bahá’í
community life. Their number and diversity actually seem to be on the rise as a
result of the institute process. Indeed, you will be reassured to know that, as
the believers gain confidence in their capacity to serve through the institute
process, a much richer expression of the diverse talents of the friends is
beginning to appear in the Bahá’í world—a richness that bodes well for the
future progress of the Cause.
- The Universal House of Justice (From a letter dated 26 June 2002 written on
behalf of the Universal House of Justice to an individual believer)
October 18, 2015
The “teachings and instructions of Baha'u'llah” – summarized by ‘Abdu’l-Baha
Thou hast inquired regarding the teachings and instructions of
Baha'u'llah! Thou must instruct the people of the world in the Love of God,
that they may eradicate the foundation of warfare and strife, be attracted by
the Glad-tidings of the kingdom of Abha, lay the basis of love and amity, raise
the melody of affinity, and the oneness of the Kingdom of humanity; transmute
tyranny and persecution into love and faithfulness, efface the traces of
bloodshed and carnage; construct the edifice of reconciliation, dispel the
darkness of estrangement, diffuse the light of unity; change the poison of
animosity into the honey of sympathetic affection; destroy the religious,
national and social prejudices from the individuals of humanity; live and act,
with and toward each other as though they were from one race, one country, one
religion, and one kind.
- 'Abdu'l-Baha (From a Tablet, Star of the West, vol. 2, no. 6, June 24, 1911)
October 16, 2015
“two defining processes that unfolded during the twentieth century”
We are pleased to
inform you that a Persian translation of "Century of Light", entitled
"Qarn-i-Anvár", has been published at the request of the Universal
House of Justice. As you kmow, this document, primarily a resource for Bahá'í
study and deepening, provides a perspective on two defining processes that
unfolded during the twentieth century: on the one hand, the sequence of events
that made the unification of humanity the feature of modem history and, on the
other, the emergence from obscurity of the Cause of God and its Administrative
Order. The House of Justice is delighted that this book, rendered in Persian, will
now be accessible to the Persian-speaking friends.
- The Universal House of Justice (From a letter dated 28 April 2002 written on
behalf of the Universal House of Justice to all National Spiritual Assemblies)
October 14, 2015
Seat of the Universal House of Justice
Seat of the Universal House of Justice - level of the Council Chamber with life-size portrait of 'Abdu'l-Baha on anteroom wall just outside the chamber.
October 12, 2015
“avoiding the tendency to divide the believers into categories such as deepened and uninformed.” – we are all “treading a common path of service”
Passivity is bred by the forces of society today. A desire
to be entertained is nurtured from childhood, with increasing efficiency,
cultivating generations willing to be led by whoever proves skilful at
appealing to superficial emotions. Even in many educational systems students
are treated as though they were receptacles designed to receive information.
That the Bahá’í world has succeeded in developing a culture which promotes a
way of thinking, studying, and acting, in which all consider themselves as
treading a common path of service—supporting one another and advancing
together, respectful of the knowledge that each one possesses at any given
moment and avoiding the tendency to divide the believers into categories such
as deepened and uninformed—is an accomplishment of enormous proportions. And
therein lie the dynamics of an irrepressible movement.
- The Universal House of
Justice (Ridvan 2010)
October 10, 2015
An astounding principle in the universe: "every created thing" is "endowed" by God with a unique "capacity"
God in His bounty has endowed every created thing, however
humble, "with the capacity to exercise a particular influence, and been
made to possess a distinct virtue."[1]
- The Universal House of Justice (From a letter dated 14 March 1985
written on behalf of the Universal House of Justice to an individual believer; ‘Messages
from the Universal House of Justice 1963-1986’)
[1] Gleanings from the Writings of Baha’u’llahOctober 8, 2015
Local Spiritual Assembly is “a channel of God's grace not only for the Bahá'ís but for the entire village, town or city in which it serves.”
![]() |
First all Native American Local Spiritual
Assembly Omaha Nation
Macy Nebraska 1948
- The Universal House of
Justice (From a message addressed to the Conference of the Continental Boards of Counsellors, December
26, 1995)
October 7, 2015
How to deal with anger - - Guidance from the Universal House of Justice
You ask how to deal with anger. The House of Justice
suggests that you call to mind the admonitions found in our Writings on the
need to overlook the shortcomings of others; to forgive and conceal their
misdeeds, not to expose their bad qualities, but to search for and affirm their
praiseworthy ones, and to endeavour to be always forbearing, patient, and
merciful. Such passages as the following extracts from letters written on
behalf of the beloved Guardian will be helpful:
There are qualities in everyone which we can appreciate and
admire, and for which we can love them; and perhaps, if you determine to think
only of these qualities which your husband possesses, this will help to improve
the situation… You should turn your thoughts away from the things which upset
you, and constantly pray to Bahá'u'lláh to help you. Then you will find how
that pure love, enkindled by God, which burns in the soul when we read and
study the Teachings, will warm and heal, more than anything else. Each of us is
responsible for one life only, and that is our own. Each of us is immeasurably
far from being perfect as our heavenly father is perfect" and the task of
perfecting our own life and character is one that requires all our attention,
our will-power and energy...
- The Universal House of Justice (From a letter dated 17 July 1979 written on
behalf of the Universal House of Justice to an individual believer; The
Compilation of Compilations, vol. I, Preserving Baha’i Marriages)
October 5, 2015
Expanding our appreciation of what constitutes a deepening activity -- those in which “study and service are joined and carried out concurrently”
To read the writings of the Faith and to strive to obtain a
more adequate understanding of the significance of Bahá’u’lláh’s stupendous
Revelation are obligations laid on every one of His followers. All are enjoined
to delve into the ocean of His Revelation and to partake, in keeping with their
capacities and inclinations, of the pearls of wisdom that lie therein. In this
light, local deepening classes, winter and summer schools, and specially
arranged gatherings in which individual believers knowledgeable in the writings
were able to share with others insights into specific subjects emerged
naturally as prominent features of Bahá’í life. Just as the habit of daily reading
will remain an integral part of Bahá’í identity, so will these forms of study
continue to hold a place in the collective life of the community. But
understanding the implications of the Revelation, both in terms of individual
growth and social progress, increases manifold when study and service are
joined and carried out concurrently. There, in the field of service, knowledge
is tested, questions arise out of practice, and new levels of understanding are
achieved. In the system of distance education that has now been established in
country after country—the principal elements of which include the study circle,
the tutor and the curriculum of the Ruhi Institute—the worldwide Bahá’í
community has acquired the capacity to enable thousands, nay millions, to study
the writings in small groups with the explicit purpose of translating the
Bahá’í teachings into reality, carrying the work of the Faith forward into its
next stage: sustained large-scale expansion and consolidation.
- The Universal
House of Justice (Ridvan 2010)
October 4, 2015
A dance about equality of the sexes - by Malaysian Baha'i youth
Baha'i youth in Malaysia perform a dance about equality of the sexes as part of a presentation for "Wanita 2000" in Kuala Lumpur in August 2000.
(The Baha'i World 2000-2001)
(The Baha'i World 2000-2001)
October 2, 2015
The “demarcation line between the shadow and the light” -- “the inner reality of man”
…the inner reality of man is a demarcation line between the
shadow and the light, a place where the two seas meet; [1] it is the lowest point
on the arc of descent, and therefore is it capable of gaining all the grades
above. With education it can achieve all excellence; devoid of education it
will stay on, at the lowest point of imperfection.
- ‘Abdu’l-Baha (‘Selections
from the Writings of 'Abdu'l-Bahá’)
[1] Qur'án 25:55, 35:13, 55:19-25
October 1, 2015
Wisdom of encountering dire difficulties in the path of God
How numerous the souls raised to life who were exposed to
dire humiliation in Thy Path for exalting Thy Word and for glorifying Thy
divine Unity! How profuse the blood that hath been shed for the sake of Thy
Faith to vindicate the authenticity of Thy divine Mission and to celebrate Thy
praise! How vast the possessions that were wrongfully seized in the Path of Thy
love in order to affirm the loftiness of Thy sanctity and to extol Thy glorious
Name! How many the feet that have trodden upon the dust in order to magnify Thy
holy Word and to extol Thy glory! How innumerable the voices that were raised
in lamentation, the hearts that were struck with terror, the grievous woes that
none other than Thee can reckon, and the adversities and afflictions that
remain inscrutable to anyone except Thyself; all this to establish, O my God,
the loftiness of Thy sanctity and to demonstrate the transcendent character of
Thy glory.
These decrees were ordained by Thee so that all created
things might bear witness that they have been brought into being for the sake
of naught else but Thee. Thou hast withheld from them the things that bring
tranquillity to their hearts, that they might know of a certainty that whatever
is associated with Thy holy Being is far superior to and exalted above aught
else that would satisfy them; inasmuch as Thine indomitable power pervadeth all
things, and nothing can ever frustrate it.
Indeed Thou hast caused these momentous happenings to come
to pass that those who are endued with perception may readily recognize that
they were ordained by Thee to demonstrate the loftiness of Thy divine Unity and
to affirm the exaltation of Thy sanctity.
- The Báb (Selections from the
Writings of the Báb)
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