October 8, 2015

Local Spiritual Assembly is “a channel of God's grace not only for the Bahá'ís but for the entire village, town or city in which it serves.”

First all Native American Local Spiritual 
Assembly Omaha Nation 
Macy Nebraska 1948
The development of the local community and the functioning of the Local Spiritual Assembly have been ongoing challenges to the Bahá'í world through successive Plans. At present, a few thousand Local Spiritual Assemblies have attained at least a basic level of functioning. National and regional plans will clearly have to include provision for the adoption by such Assemblies of local plans of expansion and consolidation. To ensure that local plans contribute to the advancement of the process of entry by troops, you will need to call upon your Auxiliary Board members and their assistants to work closely with these Assemblies, both in the formulation of plans and in their execution, helping them to shoulder the responsibility of systematic growth in their own communities and in localities adopted as extension goals. The community must become imbued with a sense of mission and the Assembly grow in awareness of its role as a channel of God's grace not only for the Bahá'ís but for the entire village, town or city in which it serves. 
- The Universal House of Justice  (From a message addressed to the Conference of the Continental Boards of Counsellors, December 26, 1995)